When I was called as Primary President in March of 2011, I sought out a blank book that Matthew had on the shelf and requested permission to claim it as my own to use as a journal. Many months later a blessing was given with counsel to write in my journal daily during this year of fire as it would be necessary for my posterity's sake. Although I have not been exact in my daily requirement, I have kept it up regularly.
From July 26, 2011:
I had a thought/picture this morning of my writing to the future generations who will read this account. I was thinking more about the blessing I received. In it, I was counseled to keep a daily record - the good and hard times - because it will serve a great purpose for those who come after me. I thought of the Book of Mormon and the counsel given to keep a record and the manifestations of the Spirit. I wondered if some of the 'knowings' and 'dealings' came from Priesthood blessings such as my own.
As I remember that this record is to be of value to my posterity, I begin to see Nephi's feelings more fully. He would not fill his journal with the mundane things but of those things that are of most value - the things of the Spirit and their relationship with God. What will my posterity gain from this record? What is it that would help them the most? I believe the promptings & inspirations are of great value, but perhaps my faith and testimony in the everyday life is of worth as well. I shall have to ponder this further and find out if the Lord needs me to record specific things....
I was thinking more about scripture comparisons. From the beginning I have thought of Nephi and felt like he did. Matthew compared himself to Abraham. Both men experienced a trial of faith, but the elements were different. I see them both.

From Friday, Dec 16, 2011 (the last page of my journal)
This morning my scripture reading paralleled my life again. I had asked myself what kind of journal I should keep. This is Nephi's answer in 1 Nephi 6:3-6 : "the things which are pleasing unto the world I do not write, but the things which are pleasing unto God and unto those who are not of the world; ... not occupy these plates with things which are not of worth unto the children of men; .. I write the things of God."
Sunday, December 18, 2011
My heart is full today as I reflect on the blessings I've been showered with. It has been a tough week filled with wonderful things that also carried a lot of stress in it. I've also filled my journal so I'm feeling at a loss as to where to write.
Thurs, December 22 Mom called asking if she could borrow the boys from me. I was so glad to hear this question because I had just been contemplating how I was going to get to the store to finish my Christmas shopping for them. I wondered if she wanted to take them shopping for me, so I told the boys that just in case anyone wanted to know, what I really wanted for Christmas was a new journal. Jared suggested a new spiral notebook, but I told him I didn't want one like that. I reminded him what my journal looked like so he could understand what kind I wanted. He understood. That night he told me he found a new spiral on his desk I could use. He showed it to me and I let him know that it actually belonged to him to be used as a journal. That very night he opened it up and wrote in it. His first entry: "I am happy."
Sunday, December 25, 2011 (5 am)
I am missing my journal these days :( I filled it last week and have so much to add, but have neglected writing here too. Last night I got on the computer with the intent of writing and went back to bed before I remembered that had been my intent :/
Around 9:30 am our final gift was discovered along with this note:
We hope you have enjoyed your Twelve Days of Christmas.
The Lord testified in many hearts independently this Christmas season, that Sister ... was deserving of blessings because of her faithfulness.
'Yeah, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.' (D&C 8:2)
Many returns for your faithful service to your sisters and unyielding prayers for the children of the ward.
'And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.' (Moses 7:18)
And let that which belongs to this people be appointed unto this people. And the money which is left unto this people - let there be an agent appointed unto this people, to take the money to provide food and raiment, according to the wants of this people. And let every man deal honestly, and be alike among this people, and receive alike, that ye may be one, even as I have commanded you. (D&C 51:7-9)
This is not the result of our observations about your financial needs. It is a gift to you from the Lord.
And I said unto them, that it should be granted unto them according to their faith in their prayers. (D&C 10:47)
Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be done unto you; and, if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation.
'Therefore this is thy gift; apply it unto it, and blessed art thou, for it shall deliver you...' (D&C 8:4)
Sunday, December 25, 2011 (about 5:30 am)
I talked to a Known Elf [Friday] about the 12 days of Christmas. She said that the most she can say is that I am very loved. I feel that way and am humbled by the generosity of each of these families who gave so much to us. So many times I thought how nice something would be and then it would appear as a gift. How can that be unless there are those who are in tune with the Spirit because He knows the desires of my heart?
Christmas presents seem so much more important and exciting to children so I always let them go for it and not worry about opening mine. However, my children have such good hearts and remembered my presents and encouraged me to open mine before all of theirs were even done.

Since I'd already seen the blanket peeking from the wrapping, I left it for last. I had no clue that that first gift that I had saved for last would contain my most treasured possession.

Tucked inside the blanket was a beautiful new journal. Tears poured down my cheeks as I felt Heavenly Father's love for me. Before I'd even asked for a new journal, one was waiting for me under the tree. This is Book Two. This simple book feels so sacred to me because it represents a loving Father who anticipates our needs and the faithfulness of others who follow the promptings of the Spirit. How could I fill its pages with anything but "the things of God?"

Book Three arrived in the form of a gift from the boys. Mom had indeed taken the boys shopping for me. They were able to relay my desire for a new journal and now another wonderful book waiting for words is in my possession. I am thankful for my loving family and their desire to fill my needs as well.
To the Happy Elves, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Words cannot adequately express my love and appreciation for you and the sacrifices your families have made on our behalf.