Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I have been musing over the timing of this event and all other things baby related. I just re-read my entries from 2010. I wished I had gone back and written a birth story because that is what I am seeking as I prepare to meet with midwives to find the right one for us. I want to know if the third followed the same pattern as J & A's. Did my water break? How long did it take to actually deliver? I remember going through transition and delivering the fetus, but I don't remember the timing.

This cycle started Dec 26. I miscarried Dec 24. What are the odds that I would get pregnant on the cycle that began when my last pregnancy ended? I even weigh the same as then. It is like a do-over with a pick up right where you left off.

I also realized that had the last pregnancy gone to term, this would be exactly 3 years later. My body seems to think that 3 years is great spacing :) And frankly, I do too.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I am bursting at the seams!! I want to tell people - especially the boys. Last night Aaron asked why he had to be born last so today I brought the topic up again and told him the only way for him to not be the last is if I had another baby. He wanted to know when we were going to have another baby. I didn't answer him though I wanted to. Instead I asked if he wanted a brother or sister. At first he said sister, but then changed it to brother. Jared insisted on a sister. I told him to pray for one. Then asked what we would call her. He said we'd already decided, "peaches".

What are the odds that this last cycle is the only one I actually know for sure when I started and how long it lasted? I also just happened to ask a new mom which clinic she went to since she used a midwife for her delivery. Unfortunately that clinic does not take Tricare :( I miss my midwives in TX!

Friday, January 25, 2013

out of the mouth of babes.....

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Didn't think much of this at the time, but today I am wondering...