Wednesday, May 28, 2014

-move totes, nightstand, drawers
-vacuum bedroom
-clean co-sleeper (wipe down and wash cover)
-set up bassinet/co-sleeper
-sort and wash baby clothes
-get rocking chair
-move winter clothes to storage
-call midwives and schedule appt

I have been busy getting everything ready. Tomorrow is my appt with the midwives closest to us. All my concerns for an early labor have seem to dissipate and I feel more like I will be in for the long haul now. Baby is getting big though and has adjusted his position so that his feet are in my left rib cage instead of right in the center. Unfortunately that means  a lot of times he'll hit a nerve that effects my right hip. It's weird. The other day I seriously felt his toes in my side. It was the weirdest and coolest thing.

For the most part I've felt comfortable and at ease with the fact I'll be having a hospital birth. Today I went to WalMart and got some wipes and diapers. There was a really strong sterile smell that triggered hospital memories and the panicky feeling kind of set in again. 

I have realized that there is a part of me in denial about the fact there will be a baby in our home soon and all that it entails. I have been afraid to enjoy it because I sealed my heart and emotions up from loss. The other day I washed and sorted the clothes and picked out the ones that will go to the hospital. Aaron was with me on the bed and helped pick them out too. All of a sudden touching the clothes and remembering Jared and Aaron helped me imagine this little one in them and then it became real. I actually got excited about holding him. 

We do not have a name officially, but I think he will be called Peter. It feels right. I would like his middle name to be my maiden name b/c there is only one boy in the family to carry on that name and odds are he won't have children of his own in which case my family's name will hit a dead end. I'd like it to be carried on if possible. I haven't mentioned it to Matthew because I don't think he'll like the idea, but I suppose I am going to have to broach the topic at some point :)

I have turned my attention to sewing instead of cleaning or organizing. I've made a couple of burp cloths, pinned a blanket and cut out a boppy cover. I didn't have the right color threads for the blanket or cover so I took care of that while at WM. I happened to find a boppy cover on clearance that included a waterproof cover so I went ahead and bought it even though I am making one. Our pillow got really nasty from us sleeping on it, so I think it is worth the extra to get a protective cover for it too. 

I am tired today, but it could be from the shopping I did. Monday we went to the Little Cottonwood Canyon and did the Temple Quarry Trail and a little bit of the other trail. It was really interesting to see the scars on the rocks from 100 years ago still present. I did pretty well on the pavement, but once we got on the rocky trail my hips started bothering me and baby was sitting on my bladder so we really didn't make it very far on the LCTrail. We went swimming when we got home and though it was enjoyable, my left side ended up feeling kinked like my right side had been. It was nice to be able to walk normally for awhile again. 

Everyone seems to be taking turns getting sick. Aaron stayed home from school Thurs and Fri because of a fever. He had a terrible headache too and his throat hurt. Jared had a sore throat as well with a cough, but no fever so he's not missed school yet. I think he's had croup so we've been giving him ibuprofen at night and some allergy medicine in case it is allergy related. He has been extra tired during the day, but I think he is on the healing side of it. Then yesterday Matthew mentioned his throat was starting to hurt and he was having a hard time getting his temp right - too cold or too hot. And this morning he had a really bad headache. I think he had what Aaron had :(  I just hope we get these germs done with before baby comes.

Time is passing so quickly. It is hard to believe we are already half way done with this week. 35 wks 4 days today.... I think no matter when baby comes it will seem like it came quickly.

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