Sunday, June 29, 2014

I am excited!! This baby is going to come this week!!

The other night I slept poorly b/c I was feeling crampy all night. I think that was Thurs or Friday.

Friday night I walked and walked b/c I didn't want to stop but finally had to after 45 minutes b/c I had to go to the bathroom. It took about 30 minutes before I had my first contraction. That night I started feeling more pressure on my cervix from the baby's movements, but I am pretty sure he still hasn't changed position. I am resigning myself to the fact I may have a back labor kind of experience though I will continue to try and get him to flip over. I am really hoping that he'll move in labor if he doesn't before then.

Yesterday Aaron and I spent about 2 hours walking around the Tracy Aviary. I felt pretty good afterwards, but I was tired by 10:30. This morning I got up to potty around 4 and when I got back in bed I started having contractions. They weren't close together but they were through my back and baby would get really active. I decided to try going hands and knees through them and while he was active to see if it would make a difference. I couldn't really tell. Finally about 7 I fell back into a restful sleep. When I got up at 9 to shower and get ready for church I had my first sign of bloody show!! WOOHOO!! I think the discomfort this morning was actually productive! I've been seeing cm, but it has been clear. This was just a little bit brown. It certainly wasn't my plug in its entirety, but my guess is that if I hadn't been dilating before I am a little bit now.

I can feel I am getting closer. This morning I feel crampy though no actual contractions. Yesterday I put our bags in the car just in case something happened while we were on our outing. I need to grab some essentials, but the bags are pretty much ready. We'll see what happens as the day progresses.

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