Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Peter started smiling last week and this week he is even more free with them. Watching Jared with him is especially heart warming because Jared tries really hard to earn those smiles!

Today was my 6 wk pp check. I ranked an 11 on their pp depression scale (moderately depressed). In two wks I am to re-take the test and call them. I have been concerned that maybe I am on the verge, but it is hard to differentiate exhaustion and depression. I have been massively overeating (one of the things I ranked high on) and the guilt associated with that doesn't help. Though I noticed today that I didn't have the urge to eat nearly as much as I have since I came home from the hospital... The midwife recommended getting out in the sun and being active for at least 20 minutes (ideally an hour) should help and I agree that it probably would make a big difference. Catching up on sleep would as well.

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