Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year! To ring in the new year we had a Star Wars marathon. We started episode 4 about 4:30ish and finally stopped at Episode 2 at 5:30 am. Considering how little sleep we got, yesterday was a fun day.

In honor of Peter's 6 month birthday, he decided it was time to work on crawling. Over the last month he's been rolling everywhere and it is slowly morphing into a scoot. Since Tues (6 mo exactly) he starting getting up on his knees and hands and doing kind of a reach crawl roll thing by pushing off his feet. He usually ends up reaching with his right hand then rolling to his left because he hasn't quite gotten his left hand to get out from underneath his body. He's also sitting up for longer periods of time when we set him up. He hasn't managed to sit completely up on his own. He'll lay on his side with his shoulders and head up though. Daddy's phone is a major motivator.

Matthew has been tested whether Peter responds to his own name or voice. It is definitely his name. This one is a smart one. He understands a lot.

This morning Jared is playing PVC pipes like a trumpet. Peter was watching him and is doing the same. It is really cute. The love these boys have for each other is amazing :)

We went sledding for the first time last night. So much fun!

Christmas was simple due to a pay check error, but luckily I had done some shopping previously. Aaron said it was the best Christmas! Both boys got roller skates, knee pads, and journals. They loved it. I am getting my Christmas present today - a new Bosch system. What started as just wanting a food processor turned into a quest for a Bosch. I just hope that it ends up filling my needs ;P

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