Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Monday we got a lot of snow - about 5 - 6 inches at least. About one in the afternoon I went out and started shoveling. The snow plow had dumped a huge pile at the end of our driveway which made the task even more daunting. I had just cleared our walkway to the door and a strip of the driveway when a couple of high school boys walked by and asked if I wanted help. I am so grateful to these angels! With their help everything was cleared away pretty quickly. Even so, I was still sore and barely about to walk the rest of the day and yesterday. My round ligaments were all out of whack. I told Matthew that probably shoveling needs to be cut to a bare minimum, but I still had to dig my car out yesterday morning. It took 45 minutes :p And more snow is on its way.

I had an appt yesterday. The midwife didn't seem thrilled at the idea of me shoveling either. She suggested I have the boys do it, and usually Jared is happy to help. He was working hard on homework at the time. Maybe we need to invest in a second shovel at least so more than one person can work at a time.

Soreness and shoveling aside, everything seems to be going well. I am measuring at my belly button now and the baby's heart was on the right side today instead of the left where it's been every other time. I've gained 3 pounds.

My tongue wants to get loose with the info. I keep telling myself I can wait a few more days. No big deal. But at the rate this weather is going, my appt on Monday might not happen :(

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