Thursday, January 30, 2014

I suppose it is about time I did an update. There is no doubt that I am feeling baby move now - usually it is once I get stretched out. The other night Matthew put his hand on my belly as we were laying down to go to sleep and right away I started feeling movement. I didn't tell him at the time, but my thought was to mention that baby was saying hi. There was another time Matthew put his hand on my belly and the baby responded with movement. I finally did let Matthew know and he was then kind of afraid to put 'pressure' there though I don't think that was the problem at all.

Aaron has started patting and hugging my belly and saying hi to the baby. It is so cute :) I love it! Jared seems kind of oblivious to the whole thing, but I know he is hoping for a sister.

I asked the boys what they thought of the name Emily and they liked that choice. Matthew on his own told me what he thought was interesting the night we had our discussion. It turns out that he was thinking about how he doesn't like compound names (like Laelynn or RoseMary). When I said Emily right after mentioning the name Emma, he realized Emily could be a compound name (EmmaLee) but it didn't ilicit the aversion response and that was what he found interesting. I told him that as I have thought about names and looked at names, Emily is the only one that seems like it fits into our family. I am heavily leaning on that name, but as Matthew said before, we better make sure it's a girl ;)

I am probably setting myself up for a major disappointment, but every thought is girl-focused. The quilt fabrics, the clothes, the names... but interestingly whenever Aaron is interacting with the baby, I refer to the baby as 'he'. So, we'll see. Our ultrasound is Feb 10th at 6 pm!

Now that I can feel the baby move and it is becoming more of a reality, I am getting more and more anxious to say something on facebook. I told my visiting teachers yesterday when they came to visit. I am about to upload a bunch of pictures on FB too. I had planned on not posting the one of the Christmas presents showing Aaron's book "I am a Big Brother" but at this point I think I will go ahead and post and see who actually notices. I was watching the video of him reading his book and it is so darn cute! Unfortunately it got really annoying from the sound coming and out (sputtering) and I turned it off. I noticed as I was recording the light going off and on, but I didn't think it would affect the sound. It may have been my computer needing restarted too, but I don't know. The other complaint is that the video is sideways :/ Kind of annoying, but oh well.

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