Sunday, January 12, 2014

Today I am 16 weeks. This last week flew by and I am realizing that time will just continue to fly - especially as I look ahead at the calendar and all the things that will keep us busy until it will be June before we know it.

I've been working on getting the house back into shape now that I have some energy. My hope is that we will all develop these new habits so that when the baby comes the house will be a refuge and the family (boys especially) will be in habits that can be maintained while I am in recovery. I explained this to them on Saturday as we worked on getting the living room cleaned and they agreed it was important.

I talked to Julie on Friday. She is the only person besides Matthew (well, and the midwives) that I have actually said I am pregnant or having a baby. I keep thinking about spilling the beans on facebook but it still feels taboo. I feel like once my big u/s next month happens, it will be more real and THEN I'll make a 'big' deal about it. I haven't mentioned it to my counselors either though I wonder how much longer I'll be able to 'hide' it. I noticed my secretary do a glance at my tummy today but it could have been nothing too. It's odd that I don't mind my TX people knowing but I don't feel ready for the locals to know.

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