Sunday, May 22, 2011

Getting nervous

Well... temp dropped though it is still within range, seeing brown sticky cm and I'm at day 8 lp. This could be it. It's hard to tell these days b/c I've been mimicking pgcy during my 2 WW for a few months now. We'll find out by the end of the week.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Paper pushing

After waiting a week with no news about Matthew's start date, we decided he ought to go to NJ to see if he can't get his transfer papers signed in person. Thanks to Dad's awesome connections, he flew out last night after subbing and arrived in Philadelphia at 1:15 am. He spent the night in the USO at the airport, picked up his rental car this morning and made some progress.

It turns out that the person in the unit who requested the position to be filled had no idea that he was selected. They've done the reoranization in that unit like they did here, so that is where a lot of the confusion is coming in. They are excited that he will be the UA, but if he is "downstairs" with all the other admins, he won't have to transfer to their unit. He can attend any unit he wants, otherwise he'll need to be officially transferred there. So, the people that are in charge there are trying to get that all sorted so he can get the paperwork finished. They want him to start ASAP.

Matthew was also able to do some networking regarding housing. The apartments next to the unit are no good, but he has some good leads after talking to the Bishop and Ward Mission Leader tonight (of the 2nd ward.) Apparently he ended up having to play the piano for a baptism tonight! lol They've recommended the apartments the missionaries are in :) I felt really good about those when he mentioned them. He has an appointment tomorrow to look at another apt and he'll add the missionaries' to the list.

By 11 am we both knew that it was worth the expensive of this little trip up north. YAY!

In regards to my previous post, I told Matthew what happened on Mother's Day. He doesn't like the idea of me being pg while he is gone either. I think our odds are pretty good though. My body seems to have decided to work exceptionally well so far this cycle with a perfect looking chart. We'll see how long my LP is though. I'm already on day 3.

Monday, May 9, 2011

She is coming

For Mother's Day Sharon and I got to sing a song together called Mother's Knee or something like that. It is a Janice Kapp Perry song that just makes you want to bawl lol Funny back story - in January Sis. Andrew asked me to play the piano in sacrament mtg for her while she attended to her stake duties. She suggested that if I had a song I'd like to play, I could do that too. So, I searched for one and finally settled on Always by Lindy Kerby. I love it, but I was not able to have it performance ready in the short window I had. I decided what I'd really like to do is sing. I haven't been able to sing for such a long time. I told Sharon the situation and asked if she'd like to sing with me. She agreed, but I couldn't think of a song I wanted to do. Well, Lynette came back from her duties and a few weeks passed. I was gone when Lynette approached Sharon about doing a mother's day song together. Perfect! I told Lynette this week as we practiced the story, and she was so glad to know that she was inspired to pick us to sing this song together.

I was really nervous, but the performer in me (and heavenly help) pulled it off and it was beautiful. The song has two verses. The first verse asks if we've taught our sons enough about being a man, etc and the second one is about daughters. Then the chorus is about the importance of mothers. Well, as we were rehearsing yesterday morning, we were on the second verse and Sharon was singing her phrase about listening awhile when the thought came: 'She's coming.' In that moment I knew that our very own daughter will come to us soon.

I have been going back and forth about being pregnant while Matthew is gone for awhile now. I told him when I got called as Primary President that I was going to get pregnant, and he'd leave me like the last time. I dread the low energy and inhibition that pregnancy brings when there is so much I want to accomplish while Matthew is gone. I happened to be fasting yesterday morning, so when I came home from church to pray and end my fast, I recalled the feeling I had and told him my concerns but that in the end, my body is his and I will not deny a baby from coming to our family. Somehow we will be ok and our needs will be provided for. I did ask however that Matthew receive a confirmation as well. When I miscarried, I felt that we are meant to have a spring baby (around April) and June is the earliest to get pregnant for a spring baby. So, it is about the right time of year though still close to the winter months.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Job offer number 3 came in today - Illinois. I suppose it was a matter of time before all the job applications made it through all the processing. With about 50 job application it makes sense that we'd hear back from at least one or two. It seems also that each one gets 'better and better' as far as location goes.

Matthew went to talked to Bro Jackson today, so now he is aware of the situation approaching. He also informed Rio, so as soon as he gets a start date he can put in his official 2 week notice so that he'll be re-hireable should the need or desire ever arise.

I don't think I can say enough how blessed we are!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Good news!!

Last week Matthew was planning on working Wed-Friday, but by Thursday is was obviously he wasn't getting any sub jobs and he was suffering from major lethargy and allergies. I went to playgroup and we were talking about the lack of work happening in some of our homes. Just as I was saying Matthew needs a job, he called to tell me he got a job offer. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! In New Jersey. He said he told them he needed to talk to me first. I told him to call them back and accept it. Who would have guessed that 2 hours later he'd get another job offer from Kansas?!?! Two job offers in one day!! Of course he'd already accepted the NJ position so he had to turn down Kansas, but yay!! Our preferred location would have been Kansas, but I've thought it would be NJ all along.

Matthew has been wanting to visit his sister Robin and was feeling a great urgency about it. We were going back and forth about whether he should go over mother's day or the weekend following, but finally decided on the earlier. I guess it is a good thing too b/c they wanted him to start at the beginning of a pay cycle. The 8th is the first one for May (mother's day) or the 22nd (drill weekend). Since he is on vacation they assured him he could report for the second cycle. Perfect! He is relieved to not have to drill with this unit again.

We are working on getting all of our ducks in a row. Matthew is still working on paperwork. Today he received his official letter with the job offer. He'll go down and get fingerprinted tomorrow and get all of that paperwork taken care of. I think he got his security clearance request submitted today. By the time he gets home everything should be taken care of so that we can get an official start date. At the point I can be more vocal about the job b/c it is solid. We are so happy though!! This is definitely unexpected and merry-making.

Matthew told me that when he was 15 he'd decided he wanted to go to Princeton. Well, even if he doesn't actually go there, that's where he'll be living! We've decided he'll go on his own, and I'll stay here so we can continue to pay the mortgage. It is only a temporary assignment (one year). My feeling is that we have this year to get the house ready to go on the market and then we'll begin a moving career. Money will still be tight but I have no doubt our needs will be provided for. We have already been blessed so much.

The public transportation system is pretty good and there are an abundance of walking and biking trails, so there doesn't appear to be an immediate need for his own vehicle. He's found several apts or other rentals that are furnished and include utilities. There is even a housing option within walking distance to the church and he can commute to work (apparently there are a lot of bad neighborhoods in Trenton). He plans on calling the Bishop tomorrow to see what kind of information he can gather about housing and such. He may even be able to commute with another member.

We bought him a new laptop to take so that we can skype. Now i need a camera so we can both have video feed. We skyped mom and dad tonight to give the boys some practice. They loved it :)

It is hard to wrap my mind around the reality of Matthew being gone, but I don't really have any fears about it either. I know it will be ok. And New Jersey is alot better than Afghanistan. Although, yesterday Osama bin Laden was killed, so I'm not sure how that will effect deployments and such. History tells us that someone else will arise in his stead. Sometimes even more viscious than the original, so we'll see.

Today was pre-K roundup, so I registered Aaron for school. I am not convinced it is the right thing, but we'll see. His tonsils are getting so much better according to the doctor today. yay!

So many reasons to rejoice! :D