Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I'm planning on making a trip to Dollar Tree today. The odds of me actually being pregnant are pretty slim, but Sunday I was peeing a lot and started feeling nauseous. Every day since I've struggled with feeling yucky. Aaron has been feeling yucky too over the last couple of weeks so there is a chance it is just a bug going around, but I also feel crampy. General Conference weekend Aaron colored a "family" picture from his packet that had four children in it. He said the youngest was a baby sister. When questioned, he said it was "if" but he's been pretty right on with the last couple of pregnancies so we'll see.

Peter is growing and developing like crazy. He is so much fun and so cute!! He's speaking in sentences though we can't tell what all the words are. Ball, water, more, mama, dada, Jared and Aaron are all words we here often.

If I'm going to DT  guess I better get going. I only have a little bit of time before school is out.

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